Arguably the most famous swordsman and dualist of all time, the legend and teachings of Miyamoto Musashi have travelled around the world, inspiring Budoka, storytellers, artists and business people alike.
The Musashi Koshirae is modelled around one of Musashi’s historical swords, known for its ascetic simplicity and plain functionality. The archetypal Ishime finish Higo style hilt fittings are matched with a practical rounded Saya Kojiri (end pommel), strengthening and protecting the Saya structure.
The Musashi Koshirae is often paired with a classic Namako Tsuba, however this model allows for a full range of Tsuba options, Ito materials and colours and Saya finishes, allowing you to tweak and transform the original Musashi model according to your taste.
Average lead time for custom Minosaka Iaito - 10-16 weeks*
Standard Features Include:
Lightweight Blade – Sand cast zinc aluminium alloy with groove, available in 2.20-2.55 lengths.
Ha (Cutting Edge) - Standard (unsharpened).
Tsuka Ito (Hilt Binding) – Cotton (upgrade options available).
Tsuba (Guard) – All options available
Fuchi/Kashira - Musashi (Higo)
Menuki (Hilt Fittings) – All options available.
Habaki & Seppa - Standard Brass (upgrade options available).
Saya (Scabbard) – Kuroishime (upgrade options available) with rounded Kojiri (end pommel)
Sageo – Silk
Weight – 820g approximately (dependent on blade length).
*PLEASE NOTE - These swords are made to order and take 10-16 weeks on average to supply from the time of order and confirmation of any UK specific paperwork requirements.
UK CUSTOMERS TAKE NOTE: Additional Documentation Required - Click here for details